Hello. My name is Peter Trúchly. Visual art, whether it was simple sketching, photography, digital graphics or even amateur moviemaking, was part of my life as long as i can remeber. But it was the discovery of ethereal watercolor that set me on path of day to day learning and discovery. The loose washes, soft edges, luminosity and unpredictability of watercolor rekindled my love for visual arts.

My philoshophy is to constantly experiment, try new tools, techniques, even other media like graphite, charcoal, gouache and digital art and try to learn as much as i can.

Some time ago i started my youtube channel, where you can find the painting process of many of the paintings you see here. Also, it documents how i evolve as an artist and rewatching those videos helps me to see the mistakes i do.

You can also find me on various networks, where i share also some sketches and other minor work.

If you like what i do, wish to hire me, buy my painting, or just say hello, contact me with one of the social links or email. Recently i also started an Etsy shop.